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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Work Camps
Several work camps (meals and lodging included) are offered in the spring each year to assist the camp in preparation for the coming summer. A fall work camp is also offered to help us prepare for winter. These work camps are open to individuals and groups from local clubs or congregations. You may register for the work camps online or call the office at 576-658-4831 to reserve your spot.
October 14-16, 2024
Congregations, Sunday School classes, youth groups, other groups or organizations, families, and individuals can schedule a time to come to work on the variety of projects that are ongoing. Call ahead so that we can prepare for you. Contact the camp office to set up special work days either by phone 574-658-4831 or by emailing

Tuesday Thursday Shop Crew
“Lynn’s Crew” is what we call our year round Tuesday/Thursday shop crew. They work on numerous projects throughout the year including planing lumber, building screen doors for cabins, painting and staining, planting trees, doings repairs around camp, and more. Tell us what skills you are gifted and in and we will show you where you can help out at camp. Lunch is provided on these days. Contact the camp to get on Lynn’s list and get weekly updates on projects being worked on.

Summer Camp Volunteers
CIT’s are between the ages of 14-17 and work with our Beginners, Samplers, and Seekers campers. Older CIT’s may work with Finders. As a CIT, you are directly responsible to the cabin counselor you are serving under and are an assistant to them. You may help with supervising at the waterfront, walking campers to the health office, leading singing at the campfire, and whatever the job needs. We encourage all CIT’s to serve at least 2 camps.
There are three training opportunities for CIT’s throughout the year to gain skills in leadership, service, and team building. CIT Camp is an opportunity to learn the skills needed to become a great counselor.
More a list of CIT opportunities, see the counselor need page by following the more information link below.
Click here for a CIT application
Click here for description of the CIT Program
One of the things that is unique to Camp Mack is the significant number of volunteer leaders that serve during the summer in camp leadership. Camp Mack is always looking for qualified leaders to help facilitate this program. While the average age of the Team Leader or Counselor is over 30, persons as young as 18 can serve as a Team Leader or Counselor. While age is significant in determining readiness for leadership at Camp Mack, perhaps more significant is the example of Christian values demonstrated by the individual who is leading. You are invited to consider the role that you might play in the life of a child this summer. Counselors are responsible for a cabin of 6-8 campers.
Click here for a Counselor/Team Leader application
Team Leaders are the supervising leaders of our camps. We encourage a team of two people to lead a camp. They are responsible for working with the Program Director on a schedule for their camp, for recruiting counselors/CIT’s/grandparents for their camp, and for being the counselor to the counselor. Team leaders are house separately from the campers.

Summer Healthcare Personnel
Working in a camp health office is truly a rewarding experience. It is a holistic approach to health and is much more than passing meds. You are the person that offers reassurance, gives TLC, offers advice in preventative measures (reminders to drink more water, wear sunscreen, etc.), and to treat the person as well as any conditions found.
If you are an RN, NP, PA, DO, or MD, we need you for a week this summer. For more information and list of dates needed, check out the summer healthcare page with the more info link below.
Check in days, we need up to 7 people to be on the front lines greeting campers and parents as they arrive to camp. You will do a basic medical screening (We have a sheet of questions to ask) and also check for head lice.

Volunteering at Camp Mack
Camp Mack utilizes volunteers to help provide its ministry all year round and more so in the summer. Here are some ways you can volunteer at Camp Mack:
Kitchen: Salad Prep, Cookie Crew, Banquet help (before, during, after), dishwashing
Facility and Maintenance: Housekeeping, lawn mowing, landscaping, string trimming, wood splitting, construction, storm clean up (as needed), event set up, paint, stain, poly
Program: Crafts, campfires, belaying, outdoor education, sailboat repairs,
Office: Large mailings, archiving, Waubee Waves prep, mail sorting, counselor manuals, bulletin boards, decorate for Christmas
Summer Camp: Team Leader, counselor, CIT, camp grandparents, crafts, camp health office
Other: Lead a Get-a-Way Day, community service for your club or scouting group

Church Retreats COB
Indiana Churches – Do we have a deal for you!
We want to encourage our Church of the Brethren congregations to consider booking a retreat at Camp Mack. Retreats can be expensive, but we have an idea to make it affordable. Any group of your church (Sunday school, board, leadership team, fellowship, youth, entire church, etc.) can schedule available space up to six months in advance. If the group is willing to give three hours of volunteer service during their time here, the lodging and day fees will be waived.
That means, your group of thirty people can come to Camp Mack, use our facilities, spend three hours volunteering, work on building the community of your group, and you will only be charged for the meals and any program support you may want. If all you want are meals, a weekend beginning Friday evening and ending Sunday afternoon would cost an adult only $54.00. That’s six meals and two nights lodging for that price. The price goes down as the number of needed meals goes down.

Eagle Scouts
Camp Mack is an ideal location for your Eagle Scout project to begin. We have opportunities for expanding program, building, and conservation efforts.
In 2018, new sections were added to the wetlands boardwalk, a footpath was built connecting buildings, and a small pavilion/sunshade was built at the Archery Range.
Other project ideas include:
Prairie Restoration
Phragmites removal
Invasive species removal
Shoreline restoration
Rebuilding the bouldering wall
Wetlands boardwalk extension and upkeep
Contact camp about how we can serve your scouting groups.