Support a Capital Project

All Capital Projects make a difference in someone’s sanctuary experience

Sarah Major Carpet- $10,000

Quinter Miller Stonework Repair- $5,000

Quinter Miller North Lower Roof Repair- $2,500

Mission Village Roof Repair- $2,500

Sarah Major Kitchen Renovation- $1,000

Archery Backstop- $1,000

Metal Canoes (7)- $1,000 each

New Signage Around Camp- $1,000

Recreation Equipment- $500

Tools for invasive removal- $500

New Water Softener for Sarah Major

New Roofs at Jacob’s Well, Shultz Chapel, and Sarah Major

Completion of Esther Hamer and John Hamer Health Center

Addition of Solar Panels on John Kline Welcome Center and Quinter Miller Auditorium

Wampler HVAC Replacement

Renovation of Upstairs Women’s Restroom in Sarah Major

New Swings for Arky Parky

New Boiler and Water Heater for Sarah Major