The Quest for Camp

We look forward to when we see you all in person again.  This summer has been a time of great opportunity as we work on many projects at camp. One of our opportunities this year was hosting a virtual Quest for Camp.  We had a great time and I want to invite you to be part of the camp.  Zoom calls are over, but there was so much good info in the curriculum this summer that I want to share it with you and your families.
Below, you will find 7 days (or weeks) of curriculum.  It will include the theme, Bible reading, memory verse, prayer practices, short devotional, and family activities. I found the themes this year to be so relevant to the things we need and long for today. I hope you find the same meaning and discover the things you are longing for.  
This is Our Prayer is about the longings of the human heart. The themes cover issues and concerns that all people wrestle with no matter their background or beliefs.  Through scripture we continually see people connect to God through prayer as they speak their hearts or settle down and make room for God.  God is longing to connect with us and is listening for the longings of our heart.
Take pictures of the activities you have done and send them to to be included in the Waubee Waves for this year.

This is Our Prayer Devotional:

Jessie Kreider, Program Director

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